MAHB and its Group of Companies are committed to ensure zero tolerance against all forms of corruption by:-
Working together with employees, stakeholders and interested parties to create a corrupt-free business environment and achieving its anti-corruption objectives;
Upholding anti-corruption principles for Malaysian companies in business dealings and interactions with business partners and government agencies;
Complying with laws and regulations relating to the fight against bribery and corruption;
Establishing anti-corruption control framework and implement continuous improvements;
Encouraging concerns regarding corruption to be reported to MAHB through its Whistleblowing Programme;
Promoting the values of integrity, transparency and good corporate governance;
Setting up independent, empowered and relevant functions to ensure anti-corruption compliance in the organization;
Reporting corrupt act to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission if there is a reasonable belief that such act has been committed.
Employees who engage in any corrupt practices shall be subjected to disciplinary actions in accordance with MAHB’s policies, procedures, directives and guidelines.