Whistleblowing Program
Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (“MAHB”) is committed to the highest standards of honesty, openness and accountability. In line with that commitment, we expect employees and others that we deal with, who have genuine concerns about any aspect of MAHB’s operations to come forward and voice those concerns.
MAHB has in place a Whistleblowing Policy to guide the Company in dealing with disclosure of improprieties covered under the policy. The Whistleblowing Policy is applicable to all employees of MAHB Group of Companies, external parties who have business relationships with the Group and members of the public.
A Whistleblowing Independent Committee (“WIC”) has been set-up to administer, deliberate, appoint the investigating team (where necessary) and decide the next course of action for concerns raised by the employees and external parties.
If something is not right, please contact:
Tel: 019-6592263 (8.30 am to 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday except for public holidays)
WIC Structure

Whistleblowing Procedure

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