GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure
Develop sustainable and resilient infrastructure to promote economic development and human well-being and retrofit industries to make them sustainable with increased resource-use efficiency.

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities And Communities
Provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all while reducing environmental impact arising from improved connectivity.

GOAL 16: Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

GOAL 17: Partnerships For The Goals
Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
We have in place initiatives in line with the SDGs to sustainably and safely deliver a joyful experience to our airport guests and other stakeholders while providing feedback channels which allows us to constantly improve our services.
Strenghtening Airport Safety and Security
We place great emphasis in the safety and security of our airports by adhering to the strict requirements and regulations by international and national standards. We are committed to ensure the highest levels of safety and security for the benefit of our airport guests and other stakeholders.
Aerodrome Certification – Our certified aerodromes comply with Malaysia’s Civil Acts and Regulations, the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia’s (CAAM) Airport Standards Directives and standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). Having our airports certified signals to our stakeholders that we always place safety as our top priority.
Safety Management System – We have in place a robust Safety Management System (SMS) to effectively identify, assess and manage safety issues at all of our certified airports. We also ensure that our airports are constantly in compliance with safety regulatory requirements.
Runway Safety Team – As part of the Safety Management System, we have in place Runway Safety Teams (RST) at all of our certified airports. RST is a multidisciplinary team consisting of air traffic controllers, pilots and our representatives which constantly monitors and provide recommendations for improvements on the safety aspects of runway operations at our airports.
Safety and Security Exercises – In line with ICAO’s requirements, we annually conduct emergency drills and crash practices to test our readiness and preparedness in events of emergencies at all of our airports.
*This section must be read in tandem with the information provided in our Sustainability Report 2018
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