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We believe that organisations that act in the best interest of its stakeholders will continue to grow and thrive. Our sustainability approach is based on the practice of high standards of governance across our entire operations. We have aligned our initiatives with selected United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals where we are able to exert influence and bring about change through our business. Our own sustainability strategy is structured into five pillars as outlined in our Sustainability Framework:

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Practising Sensible Economics

Over the years, we have successfully evolved into a diversified airport operator group with solid fundamentals. Moving forward, we aim to create more opportunities and value for our stakeholders.



Environmental Consciousness

Committed to growing responsibly, we continue to manage and reduce impact on the environment caused by our business operations.



Creating an Inspiring Workplace

Our employees are our most valuable asset, as skilled employees prove to be a vital component in delivering a high level of competencies in our business practices.




Community-Friendly Organisation

We continue to build on our proud tradition of giving back to the broader community by supporting and strengthening community engagement especially within the vicinity of our operations.



Memorable Airport Experiences

Our mission is centred on creating joyful experiences especially at our airports. Our aim is to become a service leader by embedding a customer-centric culture into our operations.


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