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Malaysia Airports Journey Towards Net Zero Carbon 2050


In our efforts to reduce carbon emissions, Malaysia Airports has established a new target setting for absolute carbon reduction. In principle, Malaysia Airports has pledged a net zero carbon target by 2050 which is in line with the 12th Malaysia Plan and the Paris Agreement targets.

Indeed, Malaysia Airports has embarked the plan towards net zero carbon via the Environmental Master Plan 2.0 (2023-2030). The Environmental Master Plan 2.0 is split into two (2) phases - Phase 1 is from 2023 till 2026 and Phase 2 is from 2027 till 2030. There are eight (8) performance areas targeted for Environmental Master Plan 2.0.


The Environmental Masterplan 2.0 approach will be adopted to effectively reduce our carbon emissions, with our priority to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions, since these are within Malaysia Airports’ direct control and influence. Among the initiatives are:

  • Establishment of asset replacement and upgrades to build more energy efficient systems;
  • Actively increasing our share on renewable energy via Energy Performance Contracts; and
  • Increasing employee communications and engagement to raise awareness of energy reduction measures.

The Sustainability unit has developed 11 online modules for all employees in Malaysia Airports to understand the overall environmental issues, legislation, standards and climate change adaptation relating to airport activities. The online modules ran throughout FY2022.

Furthermore, Engineering Energy & Environment Unit together with Corporate Quality Management Unit have embarked on the awareness sessions for MA (Sepang)’s Engineering employees as part of the introduction phase for the roll out of the ISO 5001:2011 Energy Management System full certification initiative.

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