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Our Policies
At Malaysia Airports, we believe in the value of conducting our business in an open and transparent manner that is based on ethical values and respect for the community, employees, the environment, shareholders and other stakeholders.

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Our Policies

Code of Ethics

The objective of the Code is to provide clear guidelines on permissible or non- permissible conduct in the business practices of Malaysia Airports. The Code is implemented to ensure that all Employees and its representatives comply with the same standards. It shall also serve as guidelines when making judgment calls on work ethics, including in bridging and fostering close relations between the Company and its customers. The business code of conduct for the Board of Directors is subject to the statutory duties of directors under various legislative enactments, and as stipulated under the Companies Act, Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and Securities Commission Act.

Download the Code of Ethics

Conditions of Use

Effective of 15th June 2024, the Conditions of Use will govern the provision and use of the airport facilities and services at KLIA (including Terminal 2).

Kindly download the PDF below.

Download the Conditions of Use for KLIA


For Designated Airports:
Effective of 15 June 2024, the Conditions of Use for Designated Airports will govern the provision and use of the airport facilities and services at the Designated Airports in Malaysia except for Senai International Airport.

Kindly download the PDF below.

Download the Conditions of Use for Designated Airports


For STOLports:

Effective of 15 June 2024, the Conditions of Use will govern the provision and use of the airport facilities and services at 17 STOLports in Malaysia.

Kindly download the PDF below.

Download the Conditions of Use for STOLports

Energy Policy


The policy applies to MAHB Group and airport community.


The objective of this policy are to improve energy consumption efficiency, enhance energy efficiency initiatives and strive to become a world-class energy management in aviation industry.

Policy Statement

  1. MAHB promotes and maximizes the efficient use of energy in delivering the service excellence to all airport community while sustaining a seamless passenger experience.
  2. Providing effective energy utilization without compromising safety, comfort and convenience by using the available energy resources and renewable energy in the most effective manner.
  3. Complying with national as well as international laws and legislation, aviation regulations, authority and compulsory standards.
  4. Developing and implementing energy management and renewable energy action plan with necessary supports in business, financial and resources to achieve its objectives and targets.
  5. Adopting energy best practices and technology advancement with energy efficient criteria to reduce energy consumption in its projects and programs (CAPEX, OPEX, EPC and others).
  6. Supporting energy efficiency as one of the criteria in purchasing equipment and services related to energy consumption.
  7. Enhance awareness and knowledge at all level of employees and stakeholders in energy efficient practices in daily activities through effective communications and building skills and competencies in efficient management of energy.

Download the Energy Policy


This policy serves as the foundation for the airport's environmental management and performance. This includes all of our employees, airport tenants, airlines, and other stakeholders.

Our Environmental Management Policy demonstrates our commitment to a sustainable environment in airport operations, and it serves as the basis for objectives, key performance indicators, action plans, and programmes.

Malaysia Airports manage the environmental aspect within a structured practice to serve better quality on environmental management.
As a result, we pledge to uphold the following key environmental principles:
• Complies with applicable environmental laws, policies, standards and other legal requirement
• Monitor and review environmental performance for continuous improvement against Environmental Masterplan
• Measuring, managing, and lowering our emissions, as well as planning for climate change adaptation
• Integrating environmental factors into our planning, procurement, and decision-making processes
• Providing and maintaining awareness in reducing environmental impact relates to airport activities
• Interacting and cooperating with our local community and other essential players engaged with Malaysia Airports

Our Environment Management Policy will be reviewed every two years and updated as required. Any amendments to this policy must be approved by the Board of Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad.

Download the Environmental Management Policy

Fraud Policy

Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad and its Group of Companies (“the Company”) is committed to the highest standard of moral and ethical behaviour by its employees, management team, and other stakeholders of the organisation The Company views cases of fraud seriously and maintains a zero tolerance attitude towards fraud.

The purpose of this policy is to prohibit dishonest and/or fraudulent activity and to establish procedures for reporting fraudulent activities to the management This policy applies to any fraud, or suspected fraud, involving employees as well as consultants, vendors, contractors, external agencies doing business with the Company’s employees, and/or any other parties with a business relationship with the Company.

Fraud is defined as any intentional act, omission or trickery (deceit/ designed to deceive others resulting in the victim suffering a loss and/or the perpetrator achieving a gain.

Fraud is defined as any intentional act or omission designed to deceive others resulting in the victim suffering a loss and/or the perpetrator achieving a gain.

Actions constituting fraud include, but are not limited to:

  • Any dishonest or fraudulent act or trickery (deceit/deception).
  • Forgery or alteration of any document belonging to the Company.
  • Misappropriation or misuse of the Company’s property, equipment, materials, information or records.
  • Impropriety in the handling or reporting of any transactions.
  • Profiteering as a result of the disclosure of inside information on the Company’s activities
  • Disclosing confidential and proprietary information belonging to the Company, employees, or stakeholders to outside parties for personal gain.
  • Accepting or seeking anything of material value from contractors, vendors or persons providing services/materials to the Company.
  • Falsifying advance claims, travel reimbursement and other claim expenses or utilising the
    Company’s fund for personal expenses.
  • Falsifying or submitting false medical certificates.
  • Any similar or related inappropriate conduct not in accordance with Company’s rules and regulations.

Employees should immediately report any suspected or detected fraud that may have
occurred or is occurring either to their Superior, Chief of Human Capital Officer or to MAHB
Whistleblowing Independent Committee If fraud is reported to the Superior, then the Superior
must immediately report it to the Chief of Human Capital Officer.

The Company treats all information received confidentially Investigation results will not be disclosed or discussed with any other parties other than the relevant parties authorised by MAHB and as required by applicable law.

All instances of fraud or suspicion of fraud reported under this policy will be thoroughly assessed
by the Chief of Human Capital Officer and if deemed necessary, further investigation will be
carried out The investigation team will have:

  1. Full and unlimited access to all Company’s records, staff and Company premises.
  2. The authorities to examine and/or remove all or any portion of the contents or files and other storage facilities on the Company premises without prior knowledge or consent of any individual who is the custodian of any such item or facilities within the scope of the investigation.

Any employee who is found to have violated this policy will be subjected to disciplinary action,
including termination of employment.

Download the Fraud Policy

Gift Policy

To our valued vendors, agents and business partners, 

Malaysia Airports is committed to conduct our business in the highest standard of integrity and good governance.

In accordance to Malaysia Airports’ Code of Ethics and Conduct, employees shall not solicit or receive any gifts from current or potential vendors, agents and business partners, either directly or indirectly which may influence the employee’s judgement in a decision-making process or put the employees in a position of conflict.

We thank you for your continuous support and for observing Malaysia Airports Gift Policy.

No Pets/Guide/Service/Hearing Animal Policy

  1. Passengers who are travelling with their pets/guide/service/hearing animal need to call and make necessary prior arrangements with the airlines. The “Pets On-Board/In-Cabin Allowed” Policy varies from one carrier to another and from one route to another.
  2. It is the airlines’ responsibility to escalate their policy to the passengers.
  3. Should the airlines allow the passenger to have pets on-board the aircraft, it is the passenger’s responsibility to obtain the relevant approval documents (transfers, health, vaccination certificates, etc) from the respective authorities.
  4. Small size pets/guide/hearing/service animals; upon approval; must at all times be with the passenger and in the permitted carriage. Size of the container permitted must be in accordance to the Single Cabin Luggage policy.
  5. Notwithstanding the above, the airport has the absolute discretion to disallow the small pets/guide/hearing/service animal in the permitted carriage to pass through the airport terminal building if its behavior is inappropriate, disruptive and an endangerment to other passengers or airport users. In such cases, arrangements must be made by passenger/airline to handle the pets/guide/service/hearing animal via the airside.
  6. The airport shall not be responsible for any harm/injury/fatality if the pets/guide/hearing/service animal is accidently released from its carriage and compromises the safety and security of the airport.
  7. The airport shall not be responsible in providing pets relief area (neither at the airside nor landside).
  8. The passenger or/and airline (when the pets/guide/hearing/service animal is in the possession of the airline while waiting to embark or disembark) takes full responsibility in providing the pets relief area. The passenger will be personally liable for any discomfort arising from their pets/guide/hearing/service animal relieving themselves either in the airside or landside area of the airport.

No Smoking Policy

All form of smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is strongly discouraged at Malaysia Airports and is strictly forbidden in any of its offices, toilets, buildings, workshop or worksites, with the sole exception of the specifically designated smoking areas.

Our Objective: A Smoking-Free Working Environment

Local legislation, rights and health of non-smokers shall be taken into consideration. Designated smoking areas must be always kept clean and tidy.

All designated smoking areas must be provided with appropriate equipment such as ashtrays and disposal bins. These areas are displayed with appropriate signage to ensure that all smoking materials are properly extinguished and disposed of in accordance with good and safe housekeeping practices.

Smoking within the ‘Non-Smoking’ gazetted areas is considered a serious violation.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, customers and visitors. Individuals violating this policy shall be reminded and asked politely to step outside of the building to smoke.

Anyone who observes non-compliance to the No Smoking Policy has a right to intervene and stop the violation.

Any employee who fails to comply with this policy is liable for disciplinary actions in accordance with the appropriate Human Resource Procedures. For others, you will be requested to leave the premises immediately.

Polisi Larangan Merokok

Semua jenis rokok, termasuk rokok elektronik adalah tidak digalakkan dan dilarang sama sekali di Kawasan pejabat, bangunan, tandas, bengkel atau tempat kerja dengan pengecualian di kawasan yang dibenarkan merokok.

Objektif Syarikat: Persekitaran Bebas Rokok

Undang-undang tempatan, hak dan kesihatan individu yang tidak merokok hendaklah diambil kira. Semua kawasan merokok hendaklah sentiasa berada dalam keadaan bersih dan kemas.

Semua kawasan merokok perlu disediakan dengan peralatan yang sesuai seperti bekas abu dan tong sampah. Kawasan ini hendaklah memaparkan papan tanda yang bersesuaian untuk memastikan semua puntung rokok telah dipadamkan dan dibuang mengikut amalan pengemasan yang baik dan selamat.

Merokok di kawasan yang telah diwartakan sebagai kawasan larangan merokok adalah satu kesalahan yang serius.

Polisi ini adalah terpakai kepada semua pekerja, kontraktor, pelanggan dan pelawat. Individu yang melanggar polisi ini akan diberi amaran secara berhemah dan diarahkan untuk meninggalkan kawasan bangunan.

Individu yang menyaksikan ketidakpatuhan Polisi Larangan Merokok mempunyai hak untuk campur tangan dan memberhentikan perlanggaran polisi ini.

Pekerja yang gagal mematuhi polisi ini boleh dikenakan tindakan tatatertib mengikut Prosedur Sumber Manusia. Bagi individu lain, amaran akan diberi dan diarahkan untuk meninggalkan kawasan bangunan.

Sustainability Policy


In view of today’s disruptive business environment and shift towards sustainability, Malaysia Airports should view our performance beyond short-term returns and financial measures. Stakeholders increasingly demand that companies go above and beyond profit-making objectives to be more transparent, caring and responsible towards society and the environment as how we operate our business today will impact their future and our legacy.


As a public-listed company, it is our utmost priority to create stakeholder value by taking a long-term view for growth. Integration of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) model encompasses our role not only as airports operator but also as developer and asset and land owners. ESG factors are critical in measuring the sustainable and ethical impact of our business decisions. These criteria help to better determine the future financial performance of Malaysia Airports by considering risks and returns in a holistic manner.


Malaysia Airports should not focus solely on creating shared economic value but should also consider generating social value while caring for the environment. The world’s resources are finite, and therefore, based on sustainability principles such as circular economy, we should progress towards greater resource efficiency through continuous stakeholder engagement, and focus on key initiatives that address the ESG issues.


Malaysia Airports also embraces the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Integrated Reporting <IR> framework to make business and financial sense of our performance in ESG matters. We also publish an annual Sustainability Report to track, measure and update stakeholders on our progress towards achieving key goals, targets and initiatives in a transparent and timely manner in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.

We uphold Malaysia’s sustainability agenda and align our business to global best standards especially the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Malaysia Airports has established a sustainability charter and framework which incorporates ESG considerations. The charter and framework outlines MAHB’s five Sustainability Pillars - Practicing Sensible Economics, Environmental Consciousness, Creating an Inspiring Workplace, Community-friendly Organisation and Memorable Airport Experience. The framework also aligns the Pillars with the SDGs that are material to our business and stakeholders as well as the material matters of our business. Our vision, mission, strategies and decision making, and initiatives should be aligned to sustainability and creating positive impact to the society and environment.

Download the Sustainability Policy

Policy On Prevention And Eradication Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse In The Workplace

The Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees and stakeholders.
We believe that the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol will impair the ability of individuals to perform their duties, and have serious and adverse effects on the safety, efficiency and productivity of the workplace.
We adopt a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on the consumption, possession, distribution or selling of:
a) Drugs; and
b) Alcohol
by any individual at the workplace.

We reserve the right to:
• Conduct a search on any individual and/or his/her personal belongings within the premises where it is suspected that drugs, alcohol or substance abuse has occurred, or when deemed necessary.
• Require any individual within our premises to undergo testing for the presence of drugs and alcohol.
This policy applies to all employees, vendors, visitors, customers and contractors who are on our premises.
Any employee found to have infringed on this policy will be subjected to disciplinary action that could amount to the termination of work. Non-employees will be required to leave our premises immediately and appropriate actions will be taken against them.

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice sets out how Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad ("MAHB") and its wholly owned subsidiaries (excluding Malaysia Airports Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn. Bhd., including Sama-Sama KL International Airport Hotel,Malaysia Airports (Niaga) Sdn Bhd and Eraman (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. as well as its e-commerce website, will handle personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("PDPA") and the laws of Malaysia.

1. What This Privacy Notice Explains

This Privacy Notice explains:

  • What kind of personal information we collect
  • How we collect your personal information
  • How we use your personal information
  • When we disclose your personal information
  • Access to your personal information
  • Correcting your personal information
  • Online dealings with MAHB and/or its subsidiaries

Please note that this Privacy Notice does not cover personal information collected or held by us about our employees and is to be read subject to any overriding provision of law.

2. Our Commitment To You

We at MAHB and our subsidiaries, value the trust of our customers, airport users and of the public. We are committed to protecting your personal information and ensuring that your personal information is used only for the purposes stated herein and/or as otherwise provided for in law.

3. Defining Personal Information

Personal information refers to any information which relates directly or indirectly to you. This includes any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact you. For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, personal information encompasses sensitive personal information which relates to information relating to your health, political opinions, religious beliefs, etc.

4. What Kind Of Personal Information We Collect

In order for MAHB, our subsidiaries and e-commerce to operate in an efficient and effective manner and provide you with the best service possible, we may collect personal information from you which may include but is not limited to contact information about you such as your name, address(es), telephone number(s), email address(es) and other contact information, profession, date of birth, country of residence and gender, information captured on security systems, including a recording of your image on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and a recording of your voice from calls to certain airport operations or security telephone lines.

5. How Do We Collect Your Personal Information?

MAHB and/or its subsidiaries may collect personal information from you in one or more of the following methods:-

  • use of any of our services and/or products
  • fill in forms (for example, visitor registration forms, safety pass application forms)
  • make an enquiry with us (in person with one of our staff, over the phone, via email or through our websites)
  • participate in any of our surveys
  • enter into any competitions run by us
  • respond to any marketing materials we send out
  • subscribe to one of our publications (for example, newsletters)
  • make an application and/or register with any of our subsidiaries
  • commence a business relationship with us (for example, as a service provider or as a tenant)
  • visit any of our offices or lands
  • lodge a complaint with us
  • provide feedback to us (for example via our websites or in hard copy)
  • apply for permission or security clearance to enter restricted areas within MAHB and/or its subsidiaries
  • registration of account on our e-commerce website

Other than personal information obtained from you directly (as laid out above), we may also obtain your personal information from third parties we deal with (e.g. law enforcement and other government agencies) or are connected with you (airlines, travel agencies, insurers) and from such other sources in respect of which you have given your consent to disclose information relating to you and/or where otherwise lawfully permitted. We also use Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) to record footage at our premises.

6. How We Use Your Personal Information

MAHB and/or its subsidiaries may collect personal information from you or from the category of third parties identified above which is to be utilised for one or more of the following purposes:-

  • to properly identify you
  • to assess your application(s) /request(s) for our services and/or products
  • to keep in contact with you and provide you with any information you have requested
  • to engage in business transactions
  • to establish and better manage any business relationship we may have with you
  • to process any communications you send us (for example, answering any queries and dealing with any complaints and feedbacks)
  • to improve our services and products and to develop new services and products
  • to notify you about benefits and changes to the features of our services and/or products
  • to determine how can we improves services to our customers
  • to produce data, reports and statistics which shall be anonymised or aggregated in a manner that does not identify you as an individual
  • to manage terminal and airside operations including general security, safety, traffic flow and risk management
  • to record any incidents involving you which occurs in MAHBs and/or its subsidiaries' land
  • to maintain records required for security, aviation, claims or other legal purposes
  • to investigate, respond to a defend claims made against, or involving MAHB and/or its subsidiaries
  • to conduct marketing activities (for example, market research)
  • to comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • for any other purposes that is required or permitted by any law, regulations, guidelines and/or relevant regulatory authorities

CCTV footage, in particular, may also be used for the following purposes:

  • for quality assurance purposes
  • to assist in the prevention and detection of acts of unlawful interference against aviation
  • detecting and deterring suspicious, inappropriate or unauthorised use of our facilities
  • detecting and deterring criminal behavior
  • conducting incident investigations

7. Disclosure of Your Personal Information

As a part of providing you with our services and/or products and the management and/or operation of the same, MAHB and/or its subsidiaries may be required or need to disclose information about you to the following third parties:

  • law enforcement agencies
  • government agencies
  • MAHBs and/or its subsidiaries' tenants and licensees (for example, airlines, retail outlets at airport terminals, transport operators and other companies operating on MAHB and/or its subsidiaries land)
  • companies and/or organisations that act as our agents, contractors, service providers and/or professional advisers
  • companies and/or organisations that assist us in processing and/or otherwise fulfilling transactions that you have requested
  • our business associates and other parties for purposes that are related to the purpose of collecting your personal information
  • other parties in respect of whom you have given your express or implied consent

subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to MAHB and/or its subsidiaries.

8. Direct Marketing

MAHB and/or its subsidiaries may use your personal information to provide you with information about our and third party services and/or products, which may be of interest to or benefit you, except where otherwise requested by you.

In certain instances, we may disclose your personal information to our preferred merchants and strategic partners. However, please note that we will only disclose your personal information to our merchants and strategic partners where your prior consent has been obtained and subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to MAHB and its subsidiaries.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that our agreements with our merchants and/or strategic partners include appropriate privacy and confidentiality obligations.

If you do not wish your personal information to be utilised for the purposes of marketing or should you change your mind in relation to your previous decision, please contact us at the address detailed at the end of this Privacy Notice. Your latest written instructions to us will prevail.

9. What If Personal Information Provided By You Is Incomplete?

Where indicated (for example in application forms), it is obligatory to provide your personal information to us to enable us to process your application for our services and/or products. Should you decline to provide such obligatory personal information, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our services or products.

10. Your Rights To Access And Correct Your Personal Information

We can assist you to access and correct your personal information held by us.

Where you wish to have access to your personal information in MAHB and/or its subsidiaries possession, or where you are of the opinion that such personal information held by us is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or where relevant, not up-to-date, you may make a request to us via our Data Access Request Form or Data Correction Request Form respectively. These forms are available at our offices upon request. 

We will use reasonable efforts to comply with your request to access or correct your personal information within 21 days of receiving your duly completed Data Access Request Form/Data Correction Request Form and the relevant processing fee (if any).

Please note that MAHB and/or its subsidiaries may have to withhold access to your personal information in certain situations, for example when we are unable to confirm your identity or where information requested for is of a confidential commercial nature or in the event we receive repeated requests for the same information. Nevertheless, we will notify you of the reasons for not being able to accede to your request.

11. Online Dealings With MAHB And/Or Its Subsidiaries And/Or


MAHB and its subsidiaries collect information about your use of our website from cookies. Cookies are packets of information stored in your computer which assist your website navigation by customizing site information tailored to your needs. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. You are not obliged to accept cookies. If you are concerned, you can set your computer either to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. However, rejection of cookies may affect your use of the website as we will be unable to personalize aspects of your use of the website.

Links To Third Party Websites

Please be informed that this Privacy Notice applies solely to our website and/or MAHB subsidiary websites and does not apply to any third party websites you may access from our websites. To determine how they deal with your Personal Information, you should ensure that you read their respective privacy policies.

12. Updates To Our Privacy Notice

MAHB and its subsidiaries may amend this Privacy Notice from time to time. Please check our website on an ongoing basis for information on our most up-to-date practices.

13. Our Contact Details

Should you have any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to this Privacy Notice, kindly contact us during office hours (between 8.30am to 5.30pm - Monday to Friday) at the following contact points:

Designation Perception Management Manager
Telephone 03-87777000
Fax No 03-87777210
Address Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad
Malaysia Airports Corporate Office,
Persiaran Korporat KLIA,
64000 Sepang Selangor.


Or click here

Privacy Notice for Shareholders


Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (‘MAHB’) values your privacy and strives to protect your personal information in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. 

This Privacy Notice is intended to bring to your attention our practices relating to the collection, processing and disclosure of personal information relating to your shareholding in MAHB.

For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, please note that “personal information” refers to personal information relating directly or indirectly to an identifiable shareholder in MAHB. 

Source Of Personal Information:

The personal information that we collect and process about you is sourced from:

  • information provided by relevant third party information sources, e.g. Bursa, the stockbroker / remisier acting on your behalf; or
  • shareholder communications effected by mail, e-mail, the telephone and/or our website.

What Kinds Of Personal Information We Collect:

The personal information about you that we collect includes but is not limited to your name, NRIC number and correspondence address. 

How We Use Your Personal Information

We collect, process and retain your personal information for our legitimate functions, including but not limited to: 

  • the registration and management of your shareholding in MAHB;
  • the communication of information to shareholders, including annual reports and other investor related information (if any);
  • for such purposes as may be required by our regulators (such as Bank Negara Malaysia, Securities Commission, Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, the Companies Commission of Malaysia and Inland Revenue Board); and
  • for such other purposes as may be required by law.

Disclosure Of Personal Information

To the extent necessary, we may disclose your personal information to relevant third parties which include: 

  • the share registrar(s) appointed by MAHB to manage the registration of shareholders;
  • third parties to whom we outsource our other internal functions; 
  • regulatory, enforcement and other relevant legal authorities; and
  • third parties that we may be deal with for the purpose of mergers and acquisitions.

Where we disclose your personal information to third parties, we will require these parties to abide by our, or equivalent, personal information practices and policies relating to the processing and retention of your personal information. 


Please note that for the purposes of you becoming a shareholder and/or your continued shareholding with us, it is deemed that you have consented to the collection and processing of the information detailed above. Where you do not provide us with the required information or withdraw your said consent, we will be unable to fulfil our contractual obligations to you. 

Your Rights

You have certain rights pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Should you wish to limit the processing of certain aspects of your and/or another person’s personal information, or wish to exercise your right to seek access to and/or to correct your personal information retained by us or have any questions or issues regarding this notice or your personal information, or have any complaints regarding the unauthorised use, disclosure or transmission of your personal information, please contact us at the address detailed at the end of this Privacy Notice. However, please be advised that in certain limited circumstances, your rights may be restricted pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

Revisions To Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be revised from time to time. Notice of any such revision will be posted on our websites, and/or by such other means of communication deemed suitable by MAHB.


Should you have any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to this Privacy Notice, kindly contact us during office hours (between between 8.30am to 5.30pm – Monday to Friday) at the following contact points:

Designation Group Company Secretary
Telephone 03-8777 7011
Fax No 03-8777 7512
Address Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad, Malaysia Airports Corporate Office, Persiaran Korporat KLIA, 64000 KLIA, Sepang, Selangor

Procurement Manual covers scope for the procurement of works, services, supplies as well as acquiring the services of professional consultants or specialists. The procurement policies and procedures are applicable for all intent and purposes to Malaysia Airports Group of Companies, both locally and abroad.

The Procurement Manual emphasizes on MAHB's procurement processes guided by four (4) procurement principles:

  1. Good governance - Allow appropriate levels of control and governance throughout the procurement process.
  2. Transparency - Procurement information and processes must be made available to relevant and qualified stakeholders, bidders and vendors’ equally.
  3. Fair competition – Opportunities open to qualified vendors. The selection of the relevant vendors will be free of any favoritism and prejudice.
  4. Value for money – Evaluation and award consideration based on Company’s best interest in term of costs, quality and time.

The primary objectives of this Procurement Manual are:

  1. To establish standard policies and procedures for reference in conducting procurement activities within the group.
  2. To comply with the spirit of Corporate Governance in respect of procurement processes.
  3. To ensure that procurement of works, services, supply and acquiring professional services is obtained at a reasonable price, in economic quantity, high quality and timely delivery.
  4. To provide relevant supporting document at all stages of procurement process framework.

To ensure that Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB) procurements are obtained at best value and awarded only to the vendors, contractors, suppliers or service providers who offer the best contract package in terms of cost, service level and quality.

Download SIRIM Certificate

Risk Management Policy Statement

The Risk Management Policy Statement of Malaysia Airports forms the philosophy behind the corporate dedication towards risk management. It is the intention that this statement shall ensure that all stakeholders, employees, partners and the public share an understanding of the objectives of our risk management commitment.

The rationale for the implementation of ERM framework is to:

  • Safeguard people, asset, property and the environment
  • Uphold our image and reputation
  • Enhance effectiveness, efficiency and continuity of our business management
  • Encourage proactive rather than reactive management
  • Provide a basis for strategic planning
  • Ensure compliance with mandatory requirements and standards
  • Provide assurance to stakeholders that risk identification and management of risks play a key role in the delivery of our business objectives
  • Ensure that there is adequate financial provision in the event of loss by having a structured risk financing process



  1. Malaysia Airports believes that risk management must be effective at all levels of the organisation.
  2. Managing risk is everyone’s responsibility. Staff must be aware and understand what are the acceptable risks within the organisation, and their roles in relation to the management of those risks.
  3. It shall be our policy to identify, assess and manage the key areas of risks to our organisation. In order to achieve this, we intend to integrate and embed risk management practices and risk awareness into the culture of Malaysia Airports through Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework.
  4. There shall be in place a structured Business Continuity Management for Mission Critical Activities to ensure resumption of business operations within an acceptable recovery period.
  5. Malaysia Airports’ risk management policy and supporting risk management procedures will form a systematic framework that will assist our ability to make sound decisions and ensure that our actions support the business objectives.
  6. Managing risks will be an integral part of our planning processes and the day-to-day running of the business.
  7. Management shall engage, empower and give ownership to all staff in the risk identification and management of risks which includes regular reviews of existing risks and the identification of new emerging risk.
  8. The board shall determine the company’s level of risk tolerance and actively identify, assess and monitor key business risks to safeguard shareholders’ investments and the company’s assets.
  9. The Board of Directors’ shall establish a sound risk management framework and internal control system. The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) shall provide assurance to the board that the company’s risk management and internal control system is operating adequately and effectively.


Risk Management Policy Statement

The Risk Management Policy Statement of Malaysia Airports forms the philosophy behind the corporate dedication towards risk management. It is the intention that this statement shall ensure that all stakeholders, employees, partners and the public share an understanding of the objectives of our risk management commitment.

The rationale for the implementation of ERM framework is to:

  • Safeguard people, asset, property and the environment
  • Uphold our image and reputation
  • Enhance effectiveness, efficiency and continuity of our business management
  • Encourage proactive rather than reactive management
  • Provide a basis for strategic planning
  • Ensure compliance with mandatory requirements and standards
  • Provide assurance to stakeholders that risk identification and management of risks play a key role in the delivery of our business objectives
  • Ensure that there is adequate financial provision in the event of loss by having a structured risk financing process



  1. Malaysia Airports believes that risk management must be effective at all levels of the organisation.
  2. Managing risk is everyone’s responsibility. Staff must be aware and understand what are the acceptable risks within the organisation, and their roles in relation to the management of those risks.
  3. It shall be our policy to identify, assess and manage the key areas of risks to our organisation. In order to achieve this, we intend to integrate and embed risk management practices and risk awareness into the culture of Malaysia Airports through Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework.
  4. There shall be in place a structured Business Continuity Management for Mission Critical Activities to ensure resumption of business operations within an acceptable recovery period.
  5. Malaysia Airports’ risk management policy and supporting risk management procedures will form a systematic framework that will assist our ability to make sound decisions and ensure that our actions support the business objectives.
  6. Managing risks will be an integral part of our planning processes and the day-to-day running of the business.
  7. Management shall engage, empower and give ownership to all staff in the risk identification and management of risks which includes regular reviews of existing risks and the identification of new emerging risk.
  8. The board shall determine the company’s level of risk tolerance and actively identify, assess and monitor key business risks to safeguard shareholders’ investments and the company’s assets.
  9. The Board of Directors’ shall establish a sound risk management framework and internal control system. The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) shall provide assurance to the board that the company’s risk management and internal control system is operating adequately and effectively.


Occupational Health And Safety Policy

The Company is committed to operating its airports and other business units in full compliance with the relevant Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and Safety Management System (SMS) Laws and Regulations. This commitment will be supported by the implementation of the Management System in ensuring our employees and other interested parties are free from hazards to prevent injury, ill health and ensure safety of aircraft operating at our airports.

All employees, vendors, business partners and contractors shall:

  • Ensure compliance to all relevant legal, other requirements, Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) and Safety Management System (SMS) elements.
  • Ensure commitment to the management of OSH and SMS risks.
  • Review OSH and SMS objectives and targets at regular intervals toward positive and continuous improvement.
  • Conduct internal audits periodically based on OHSMS and SMS elements and apply the audit system as guidance in compliance and continual improvement.
  • Investigate and review OSH and SMS incidents focusing on internal gaps to ensure the effectiveness of the preventive and corrective action taken.
  • Conduct OSH and SMS awareness through communication with employees, and other interested parties i.e. customers, vendors, business partners and the public.
  • Act proactively and economically to reduce the organisation’s OSH and SMS impact.

Management and employees shall:

  • Be accountable towards OSH and SMS of individuals, customers, company’s assets, aircraft and others.
  • Encourage employees to report on OSH and SMS issues according to the safety reporting procedures as per Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and Civil Aviation Directive 1900 (CAD 1900).
  • Ensure that no disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who discloses a safety concern, negligence or a deliberate willful disregard of OSH and SMS regulations or procedures, unless such disclosure indicates, beyond any reasonable doubt.
  • Be actively involved in the promotion of OSH and SMS culture to achieve the objectives and targets effectively.
  • Establishment of clear standards for acceptable behaviors.
  • Identification of responsibilities of management and employees with respect to OSH and SMS performance. Provide the necessary resources for OHSMS and SMS implementation.
  • Ensure a work environment that is healthy and safe.

Polisi Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan

Syarikat adalah komited dalam pengendalian lapangan terbang dan unit-unit perniagaannya dengan pematuhan sepenuhnya kepada keperluan undang-undang berkaitan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (KKP) dan Sistem Pengurusan Keselamatan (SMS) . Komitmen ini disokong dengan pelaksanaan sistem pengurusan untuk memastikan pekerja dan pihak berkepentingan lain bebas dari bahaya serta memastikan pesawat beroperasi dengan selamat di lapangan terbang.

Semua pekerja, pembekal, rakan perniagaan dan kontraktor perlu:

  • Memastikan pematuhan kepada semua undang-undang berkaitan, keperluan lain, Sistem Pengurusan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan (SPKKP) serta elemen Sistem Pengurusan Keselamatan (SMS).
  • Memberikan komitmen terhadap pengurusan risiko KKP dan SMS.
  • Mengkaji semula objektif dan sasaran KKP dan SMS secara berkala bagi proses penambahbaikan berterusan.
  • Mengadakan audit dalaman secara berkala berdasarkan elemen-elemen SPKKP dan SMS dan mengaplikasikan sistem audit sebagai panduan dalam pematuhan dan proses penambahbaikan.
  • Menyiasat dan mengkaji semula insiden berkaitan KKP dan SMS secara menyeluruh untuk memastikan keberkesanan terhadap tindakan pencegahan dan pembetulan yang telah dilakukan.
  • Menjalankan kempen kesedaran KKP dan SMS melalui komunikasi dengan pekerja, dan pihak berkepentingan yang lain seperti pelanggan, pembekal, rakan niaga dan orang awam.
  • Bertindak secara proaktif dan mengambil kira aspek ekonomi dalam mengurangkan impak terhadap Pengurusan KKP dan SMS syarikat.

Pihak pengurusan dan pekerja perlu:

  • Bertanggungjawab tehadap isu KKP dan SMS kepada individu, pelanggan, aset syarikat, pesawat udara dan sebagainya.
  • Menggalakkan semua pekerja melaporkan isu-isu berkaitan KKP dan SMS berpandukan kepada prosedur pelaporan keselamatan berpandukan kepada Akta Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan dan Arahan Penerbangan Awam 1900 (CAD 1900).
  • Memastikan tiada tindakan disiplin diambil terhadap pekerja yang melaporkan mengenai pelanggaran keselamatan, kecuaian dan sengaja mengabaikan peraturan atau prosedur KKP dan SMS, melainkan jika pendedahan tersebut menunjukkan, di luar sebarang keraguan munasabah.
  • Bergiat aktif dalam mempromosikan budaya KKP dan SMS bagi mencapai objektif dan sasaran secara efektif.
  • Mewujudkan piawaian yang jelas bagi tingkah laku yang dibenarkan.
  • Mengenalpasti tanggungjawab pihak pengurusan dan pekerja terhadap prestasi KKP dan SMS.
  • Menyediakan sumber-sumber yang mencukupi bagi melaksanakan elemen-elemen SPKKP dan SMS.
  • Memastikan persekitaran tempat kerja yang sihat dan selamat.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (“the Company”) is committed in providing a workplace that is free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in the workplace is against the law and will not be tolerated. When the Company determines that an allegation of sexual harassment is credible, it will take prompt and appropriate corrective action. 

  • Unwelcome actions such as below are inappropriate and meet the definition of sexual harassment:
  • Sexual pranks, or repeated sexual teasing, jokes, or innuendo, in person or via e-mail or sms; 
  • Verbal abuse of a sexual nature; 
  • Touching or grabbing of a sexual nature; 
  • Repeatedly standing too close to or brushing up against a person; 
  • Repeatedly asking a person to socialize during off-duty hours when the person has said no or has indicated he or she is not interested; 
  • Giving gifts or leaving objects that are sexually suggestive; 
  • Repeatedly making sexually suggestive gestures; 
  • Making or posting sexually demeaning or offensive pictures, cartoons or other materials in the workplace; 
  • Off-duty, unwelcome conducts of a sexual nature that affects the work environment.


The above actions will constitute sexual harassment when:

  1. The unwelcome conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or abusive work environment; or
  2. An employment decision affecting that individual is made because the individual submitted to or rejected the unwelcome conduct.


If the Company receives a credible allegation of sexual harassment, or has reason to believe sexual harassment is occurring, it will take the necessary steps to ensure that the matter is promptly investigated and addressed.

Employees who have been found by the Company to have subjected another employee to unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature will be subjected to disciplinary action which will include termination of employment.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Statement

MAHB and its Group of Companies are committed to ensure zero tolerance against all forms of corruption by:-

  • Working together with employees, stakeholders and interested parties to create a corrupt-free business environment and achieving its anti-corruption objectives;
  • Upholding corrupt-free principles in all business dealings and interactions with business partners and government agencies;
  • Complying with laws and regulations relating to the fight against bribery and corruption;
  • Establishing anti-corruption control framework and implement continuous improvements;
  • Encouraging concerns regarding corruption to be reported to MAHB through its Whistleblowing Programme;
  • Promoting the values of integrity, transparency and good corporate governance;
  • Setting up independent, empowered and relevant functions to ensure anti-corruption compliance in the organization;
  • Reporting corrupt act to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission if there is a reasonable belief that such act has been committed.


Employees who engage in any corrupt practices shall be subjected to disciplinary actions in accordance with MAHB’s policies, procedures, directives and guidelines.

Download MAHB Anti-Bribery-Corruption Policy Statement

Stop - Work Policy

The Company recognise that continuous commitment to Safety and Occupational Health management is critical to the success of our business activities and operations.

Our Objective: Prevent Imminent Incident, Accidents or Injuries

Our objective is to attain zero-incident based on best industry practices, to comply with international standards and applicable legislation.

All Malaysia Airports’ employees must embrace, apply and comply with all STOP – WORK principle.

To prevent an imminent incident, accident or injury, ANYONE who observes an action or condition that is considered unsafe and potentially dangerous to employees, contractors, visitors, equipment, environment and/or the project works has a right and duty to intervene and stop the work operation.

Everyone is expected to show responsible leadership towards the prevention of incidents, accidents and is expected to actively intervene whenever potential risks to employees, contractors, visitors, equipment, environment or the works are observed or identified. When there is doubt whether work should stop, the immediate supervisor shall be referred to.

The management of Malaysia Airports is committed to the application and implementation of the STOP – WORK principle to ensure a safe working environment.

Terms and Conditions

Conditions of Access


These terms and conditions ("these Terms") govern your viewing, access and use of this website ("the Website") which is owned and operated by Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad ("MAHB"), a public company incorporated in Malaysia and listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities.

For the purposes of these Terms, "we", "our" and "us" herein refers to "MAHB".

You are advised to read these Terms carefully before using the Website. By accessing and using the Website, you are deemed to have read and accepted to all of these Terms without modification.

If you do not agree to all or any of these Terms, please discontinue access immediately.


The Website contains links to websites which are also operated by MAHB and its subsidiaries

(collectively referred to as "MAHB Group"). Your use of each of the MAHB Group's website is also subject to these Terms.

For the purposes of these Terms, the expression of "these Websites" herein refers to and includes "the websites operated by MAHB and/or its subsidiaries which are linked to the Website".

We are a Malaysian company and our Website is directed to the provision of our services in Malaysia. Although our Website is accessible to individuals located in other countries (including in the European Union (EU)), this fact alone should not be construed as our promotion of services within such countries. If our Malaysian-directed Website is translated into another language, including by automated means facilitated by your browser, this fact alone does not signal our intention to direct our Website to individuals in those countries, including individuals in the EU/EEA”


All materials published on these Websites (including but not limited to articles, features, photographs, images and illustrations, collectively referred to as "Content") are protected by copyright, trademarks or other intellectual property rights, and are owned or controlled by MAHB (or its subsidiaries), or the party credited as the provider of the Content.

The Content of or accessible through these Websites is provided:

  1. "as is", "as available" and are subject to change at any time without notice to you; and
  2. without representations or warranties of any kind whether express or implied.


Restrictions on Access and Use

These Websites and their Content are protected by copyrights pursuant to Malaysia copyright laws.

You may only view and use these Websites in accordance with these Terms and for lawful and proper purposes.

You may download the Content but only for your own personal and non-commercial use Provided That all copies must include copyright and other intellectual property notices incorporated into the original material and no licence is granted in respect of the intellectual property rights reserved by us and/or providers of the Content.

You agree that you will not:

  1. upload, post, transmit, disseminate or make available any Content of these Websites that is not consistent with the permissible uses as outlined in these Terms ;
  2. use these Websites in a manner which causes or may cause an infringement of our rights or the rights of any other;
  3. use these Websites for any purpose that is illegal, unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and the laws; and
  4. use any software, routine or device to interfere or attempt to interfere electronically or manually with the operation or functionality of these Websites including but not limited to uploading or making available files containing corrupt data or viruses via whatever means.

We reserve the right to deny access to these Websites or any part thereof at any time without notice or need to assign any reason whatsoever.

Links to Third Party Websites

These Websites provide links to other sites and vice versa merely for your convenience and information.

These Terms does not apply to any third party websites that you may access from these Websites.

We shall not be responsible for the content and availability of such other sites that may be operated and controlled by third parties and for the information, products and services contained on or accessible through those websites.

Your access and use of such websites remain solely at your own risk. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential losses and/or damages of whatsoever kind arising out of your access to such sites.

Changes and Suspension

We reserve the right at our absolute discretion and without liability to:

  • change, modify, alter, adapt, add or remove any of these Terms; and/or
  • change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of these Websites.

We are not required to give you any advance notice prior to incorporating any of the above changes and/or modifications into these Websites.


Your comments, suggestions, questions, feedback and the like regarding the Content and/or our services, including any ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or know-how (collectively referred to as "Feedback") as disclosed therein, may be used by us for any purpose.

By contributing your Feedback, you will be giving us full consent to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute it to others without limitation, and in such circumstances you are not entitled to any reward or compensation of whatever nature from us.

Privacy Policy

Any personal information you supply to us when use these Websites will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy or the respective MAHB Group's Privacy Policy.


We do not warrant that the functions in these Websites will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected or that these Websites or the server that makes it available is free of any virus or other harmful elements.

We do not warrant or make any representations regarding the correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise of the Content of these Websites or the results of their use.

Exclusion of Liability

By accessing or using these Websites, you agree that we will not be liable under any circumstances (including negligence) for any damages and loss of whatsoever nature including but not limited to any direct, indirect, special, consequential, punitive or incidental damages or loss, or damages for loss of use, profits, data or other intangibles, or the cost of procurement of substitute goods or services arising out of or related to the use, inability to use, unauthorised use, performance or non-performance of or reliance upon these Websites even if we have been advised previously of the possibility of such damages and whether or not such damages arise in contract, tort, under statute, in equity or at law.

We are also not liable nor responsible for any material provided by third parties with their own respective copyright and shall not under any circumstances, be liable for any loss, damages or injury arising from these materials.


If any provision of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then such invalidity or unenforceability shall not have any effect on any other provision of these Terms, all of which shall remain valid and enforceable.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with Malaysian laws, and the Courts of Malaysia shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute which may arise in relation thereto.

Privacy Notice - Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn Bhd

This Privacy Notice sets out how Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn Bhd and Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd (collectively referred to as “Malaysia Airports”) will handle personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) and the laws of Malaysia.

  1. What This Privacy Notice Explains

    This Privacy Notice explains: -

    • What kind of personal information we collect
    • How we collect your personal information
    • How we use your personal information
    • When we disclose your personal information
    • Access to and correction of your personal information
    • Online dealings with Malaysia Airports
  1. Our Commitment To You

    Malaysia Airports values the trust of our customers, airport users and the public. We are committed to protecting your personal information and ensuring that your personal information is used only for the purposes stated herein.

  1. Defining Personal Information

    Personal information refers to any information, which relates directly or indirectly to you. This includes any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact you. For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, personal information encompasses sensitive personal information, which relates to information relating to your health, political opinions, religious beliefs, etc.

  1. What Kind Of Personal Information We Collect

    In order for Malaysia Airports to operate in an efficient and effective manner and provide you with the best service possible, we may collect personal information from you which may include but is not limited to contact information about you and/or other persons that you are making a booking for or travelling with (“Travel Companion(s)”). The personal information collected may include your and/or your Travel Companion(s) name, address(es), telephone number(s), email address(es) and other relevant contact information, passport information, date of birth, demographic information such as age and gender, country of citizenship, flight details, travel information, information necessary to facilitate travel or other services such as emergency contacts, seating preferences and special dietary or medical needs, transaction information such as credit card details, information for marketing purposes such as language preference and communication preferences, information captured on security systems, including a recording of your image on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), a recording of your voice from calls to certain airport operations or security telephone lines and biometric data including your live facial image. 

    Where you provide us with the personal information of your Travel Companion, you confirm that you have obtained the prior consent of your Travel Companion(s) to provide us with their personal information and to view or change their information.

  1. How Do We Collect Your Personal Information?

    Malaysia Airports may collect personal information from you in one or more of the following methods: -

    • use any of our services or products including our facial biometric enrolment options at the kiosk, mobile application, check-in counter, automated e-gates at security check point and boarding gates for departure 
    • fill in forms (for example, visitor registration forms, safety pass application forms) or coupons (either online or in hard copy)
    • make an enquiry with us (either in person with one of our staff, over the phone, via email or through our websites)
    • participate in any of our surveys
    • enter into any competitions run by us
    • respond to any marketing materials we send out
    • subscribe to one of our publications (for example, newsletters)
    • commence a business relationship with us (for example, as a service provider or as a tenant)
    • lodge a complaint with us
    • visit any of our airports or offices
    • visit our websites
    • provide feedback to us (either via our websites or in hard copy)
    • apply for permission or security clearance to enter restricted areas within airports

    Other than personal information obtained from you directly (as laid out above), we may also obtain your personal information from third parties we deal with or connected with you, for example from airlines, travel agencies and from such other sources in respect of which you have given your consent to disclose information relating to you and/or where otherwise lawfully permitted. We also use Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) to record footage at our premises.

  1. How We Use Your Personal Information

    Malaysia Airports may collect personal information from you or from the category of third parties identified above which is to be utilised for one or more of the following purposes:-

    • to properly identify you
    • to assess your application(s) /request(s) for our services and/or products
    • to keep in contact with you and provide you with any information you have requested
    • to better manage any business relationship we may have with you
    • to process any communications you send us (for example, answering any queries and dealing with any complaints and feedbacks)
    • to improve our services and/or products and to develop new services and/or products (including to conduct analytics study)
    • to provide you with information on our other service(s), product(s) and offer(s) which may be of interest to you
    • to notify you about benefits and changes to the features of our services and product(s)
    • to determine how can we improve services to our customers;
    • to produce data, reports and statistics which have been anonymised or aggregated in a manner that does not identify you as an individual
    • to manage terminal and airside operations including general security, safety, traffic flow and risk management
    • to record any incidents involving you which occurs on Malaysia Airports’ property
    • to maintain records required for security, aviation, claims or other legal purposes
    • to investigate, respond to a defend claims made against, or involving Malaysia Airports and/or its subsidiaries
    • to conduct marketing activities (for example, market research)
    • to comply with legal and regulatory requirements
    • for any other purposes that is required or permitted by any law, regulations, guidelines and/or relevant regulatory authorities
    • to verify your right of entry to the restricted areas within airports via e-security gates and e-boarding gates for departures.

    CCTV footage, in particular, may also be used for the following purposes:

    • operational reasons such as traffic flow and access
    • for quality assurance purposes
    • to assist in the prevention and detection of acts of unlawful interference against aviation
    • monitoring the safety and security of airport users and workers
    • detecting and deterring suspicious, inappropriate or unauthoriseduse of our facilities
    • detecting and deterring criminal behavior
    • conducting incident investigations
  1. Disclosure of Your Personal Information

    As a part of providing you with our services and products and the management and/or operation of the same, Malaysia Airports may be required or need to disclose information about you to Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad as well as the following third parties:

    • Malaysia Airports’ tenants and licensees (for example, airlines, retail outlets at airport terminals, transport operators and other companies operating on Malaysia Airports’ property)
    • companies and/or organisations that act as our agents, contractors , service providers and/or professional advisers
    • companies and/or organisations that assist us in processing and/or otherwise fulfilling transactions that you have requested
    • our business associates and other parties for purposes that are directly related to the purpose of collecting your personal information
    • other parties in respect of whom you have given your express or implied consent

    subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to Malaysia Airports.

  1. Direct Marketing

    Malaysia Airports may use your personal information to provide you with information about our and third party services and/or products, which may be of interest or benefit you, except where otherwise requested by you.

    In certain instances, we may disclose your relevant personal information to our preferred merchants and strategic partners where your prior consent has been obtained and subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to Malaysia Airports.

    We take reasonable steps to make sure that our agreements with service providers include appropriate privacy and confidentiality obligations.

    If you do not wish your personal information to be utilised for the purposes of marketing or should you change your mind in relation to your previous decision, please contact us at the address detailed at the end of this Privacy Notice. We will abide by your latest written instructions to us.

  1. What If Personal Information Provided By You Is Incomplete?

    Where indicated (for example in application forms), it is obligatory to provide your personal information to us to enable us to process your application for our services and/or products. Should you decline to provide such obligatory personal information, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our services or products.

  1. Your Rights To Access And Correct Your Personal Information

    We can assist you to access and correct your personal information held by us.

    Where you wish to have access to your personal information in Malaysia Airports’ possession, or where you are of the opinion that such personal information held by us is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or where relevant, not up-to-date, you may make a request to us via our Data Access Request Form or Data Correction Request Form respectively. These forms are available at our offices.

    We will use reasonable efforts to comply with your request to access or correct your personal information within 21 days of receiving your duly completed Data Access Request Form/Data Correction Request Form and the relevant processing fee (if any).

    Please note that Malaysia Airports may have to withhold access to your personal information in certain situations, for example when we are unable to confirm your identity or where information requested for is of a confidential commercial nature or in the event we receive repeated requests for the same information. Nevertheless, we will notify you of the reasons for not being able to accede to your request.

  1. Online Dealings With Malaysia Airports


    Malaysia Airports collects information about your use of our website from cookies. Cookies are packets of information stored in your computer which assist your website navigation by customizing site information tailored to your needs. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. You are not obliged to accept cookies. If you are concerned, you can set your computer either to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. However, rejection of cookies may affect your use of the website as we will be unable to personalize aspects of your use of the website.

    Links To Third Party Websites

    Please be informed that this Privacy Notice applies solely to our website(s) and does not apply to any third party websites you may access from our website(s). To determine how these third party websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) deal with your Personal Information, you should ensure that you read their respective privacy policies/notices.

  1. Updates To Our Privacy Notice

    Malaysia Airports may amend this Privacy Notice from time to time. Please check our website on an ongoing basis for information on our most up-to-date practices.

  1. Our Contact Details

    Should you have any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to this Privacy Notice, kindly contact us during office hours (between 8.30am to 5.30pm – Monday to Friday) at the following contact points:

    Designation: Manager Care
    Telephone: 03-87777000
    Fax No: 03-87777210
    Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad
    Malaysia Airports Corporate Office,
    Persiaran Korporat KLIA,
    64000 KLIA Selangor.

    A current version of this Privacy Notice is available on our website at:

Notis Privasi

Notis Privasi ini menentukan cara Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn. Bhd dan Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd (secara kolektif dirujuk sebagai “Malaysia Airports”) akan mengendalikan maklumat peribadi selaras dengan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) dan undang-undang Malaysia.

1. Perkara Yang Dijelaskan Oleh Notis Privasi ini

Notis Privasi ini menjelaskan

  • Bentuk maklumat peribadi yang kami kumpul
  • Bagaimana kami mendapatkan maklumat peribadi anda
  • Bagaimana kami mengguna maklumat peribadi anda
  • Bila masanya kami memperlihatkan maklumat peribadi anda 
  • Akses dan pembetulan kepada maklumat peribadi anda
  • Urusan dalam talian dengan Malaysia Airports

2. Komitmen Kami Kepada Anda
Malaysia Airports menghargai kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh pelanggan kami, pengguna lapangan terbang kami dan orang awam. Kami akan komited untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi  anda dan memastikan bahawa maklumat peribadi anda itu hanya digunakan untuk tujuan-tujuan 
yang dinyatakan di dalam notis ini. 

3. Definisi Maklumat Peribadi
Maklumat peribadi merujuk kepada mana-mana maklumat yang berkaitan dengan diri anda sama ada secara langsung atau secara tidak langsung. Maklumat ini termasuk mana-mana maklumat yang boleh digunakan untuk menentukan, mengenal pasti, atau untuk menghubungi anda. Bagi tujuan Notis Privasi ini, maklumat peribadi merujuk kepada sebarang maklumat anda, yangmerangkumi maklumat peribadi yang sensitif berkaitan dengan kesihatan, pandangan politik, kepercayaan agama dan lain-lain.

4. Bentuk Maklumat Peribadi Yang Kami Kumpul
Untuk memudahkan Malaysia Airports beroperasi secara cekap dan efektif dan menyediakan khidmat terbaik kepada anda, pihak kami mungkin mengumpul maklumat peribadi daripada anda yang akan merangkumi tetapi tidak terbatas kepada maklumat hubungan tentang diri anda dan/atau pihak-pihak lain yang anda bantu untuk membuat tempahan atau yang akan melancong bersama (“Rakan (Rakan-Rakan) Pelancong”). Maklumat peribadi yang terkumpul itu merangkumi nama, alamat (alamat-alamat), nombor (nombor-nombor) telefon, alamat (alamat-alamat) e-mel anda dan/atau Rakan (Rakan-Rakan) Pelancong anda serta maklumat hubungan lain yang relevan, maklumat pasport, tarikh lahir, maklumat demografi seperti umur dan jantina, negara tempat bermastautin, butiran penerbangan, maklumat perjalanan, maklumat yang diperlukan untuk memudahkan perjalanan atau perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan lain seperti hubungan untuk kecemasan, keutamaan tempat duduk dan diet tertentu atau keperluan perubatan, maklumat transaksi seperti butiran kad kredit, maklumat untuk tujuan pemasaran seperti keutamaan bahasa dan keutamaan komunikasi, maklumat yang terakam dalam sistem sekuriti, termasuk rakaman imej anda dalam Kamera Litar Tertutup (CCTV), rakaman suara anda melalui panggilan telefon kepada pihak operasi lapangan terbang tertentu atau melalui talian telefon sekuriti dan data biometrik termasuk imej muka anda secara langsung.

Apabila anda memberikan maklumat peribadi Rakan Pelancong and kepada kami, dengan ini anda telah mengesahkan bahawa anda telah pun mendapat persetujuan Rakan (Rakan-Rakan) anda terlebih dahulu untuk memberikan kepada pihak kami maklumat peribadi mereka dan untuk menyemak atau menukar maklumat peribadi mereka itu.

5. Bagaimanakah Cara Kami Mengumpul Maklumat Peribadi Anda?
Pihak Malaysia Airports akan mendapatkankan maklumat peribadi daripada anda melalui satu atau lebih daripada satu kaedah-kaedah berikut:-

  • penggunaan mana-mana perkhidmatan atau produk kami termasuk pilihan untuk pendaftaran biometrik muka sama ada di kiosk, aplikasi di telefon mudah alih, kaunter daftar masuk, e-pintu automatik di pusat pemeriksaan keselamatan dan pintu pelepasan bagi tujuan pelepasan.
  • borang yang dilengkapkan (sebagai contoh, borang pendaftaran pelawat, borang permohonan pas keselamatan) atau kupon-kupon (sama ada dalam talian atau dalam salinan cetak) 
  • membuat pertanyaan dengan pihak kami (sama ada datang sendiri, melalui telefon, e-mel atau
  • laman web) 
  • penyertaan dalam mana-mana kaji selidik kami
  • penyertaan dalam mana-mana pertandingan kelolaan kami 
  • maklum balas terhadap mana-mana bahan pemasaran kami
  • melanggan sebarang penerbitan kami (contohnya, surat-surat berita) 
  • hubungan perniagaan dengan pihak kami (sebagai contoh, pembekal perkhidmatan atau sebagai penyewa) 
  • membuat aduan dengan kami
  • mengunjungi mana-mana lapangan terbang atau pejabat kami 
  • melayari laman web kami
  • memberi maklum balas kepada kami (sama ada melalui laman web atau salinan cetak) 
  • memohon kebenaran atau tapisan keselamatan untuk memasuki kawasan-kawasan larangan di dalam kawasan milik Malaysia Airports.

Selain daripada maklumat peribadi yang diperoleh daripada anda secara langsung (seperti yang dinyatakan di atas), kami mungkin mendapat maklumat peribadi anda daripada pihak-pihak ketiga yang berurusan dengan kami atau yang berhubungan dengan anda, contohnya daripada pihak penerbangan, agensi-agensi pelancongan dan daripada sumber-sumber lain yang sedemikian berkaitan dengan sesuatu yang mana anda telah memberi persetujuan bahawa maklumat berkaitan dengan diri anda boleh didedahkan dan/atau yang sebaliknya dibenarkan dari segi undang-undang. Pihak kami juga akan menggunakan Kamera Litar Tertutup (CCTV) untuk 
merakamkan rakaman tertentu (footage) di premis kami.

6. Cara Bagaimana Kami Guna Maklumat Peribadi Anda 
Malaysia Airports mungkin akan mendapatkan maklumat peribadi daripada anda atau daripada pihak ketiga yang dinyatakan di atas dan maklumat tersebut akan digunakan untuk salah satu atau mana-mana tujuan berikut:-

  • untuk mengenalpasti anda 
  • untuk mempertimbangkan permohonan (permohonan-permohonan) /permintaan (permintaan permintaan) anda bagi perkhidmatan dan/atau produk kami 
  • untuk menghubungi anda dan menyampaikan maklumat yang anda pinta 
  • untuk mengendalikan dengan lebih baik hubungan perniagaan yang mungkin pihak kami akan adakan bersama anda
  • untuk memproses sebarang komunikasi yang anda hantarkan kepada pihak kami (contohnya, 
  • menjawab sebarang persoalan dan menguruskan apa-apa aduan serta maklum balas)
  • untuk memperbaiki perkhidmatan dan/atau produk kami dan untuk mempertingkatkan 
  • perkhidmatan dan/atau produk kami (termasuk bagi tujuan menjalankan kajian analitik)
  • untuk menyampaikan maklumat kepada anda tentang perkhidmatan (perkhidmatan perkhidmatan), produk (produk-produk) dan tawaran (tawaran-tawaran) kami yang mungkin menarik minat kepada anda 
  • untuk memaklumkan kepada anda tentang faedah-faedah dan perubahan-perubahan kepada aspek-aspek perkhidmatan serta produk (produk-produk) kami 
  • untuk menentukan cara bagaimana kami boleh mempertingkatkan perkhidmatan kepada para pelanggan kami;
  • untuk mengeluarkan data, laporan dan statistik yang dibuat atau yang terkumpul tanpa pendedahan nama, iaitu dibuat atau dikumpul dengan cara tidak menunjukkan nama anda sebagai seorang individu 
  • untuk menguruskan operasi terminal dan airside termasuk keselamatan umum, aliran trafik dan pengurusan risiko 
  • untuk merakamkan sebarang insiden yang melibatkan diri anda yang terjadi di kawasan milik Malaysia Airports
  • untuk mengekalkan rekod yang diperlukan bagi tujuan keselamatan, penerbangan, tuntutan atau mana-mana tujuan perundangan.
  • untuk menyiasat, membuat pembelaan terhadap tuntutan yang dibuat terhadap atau yang melibatkan Malaysia Airports dan/atau anak-anak syarikatnya.
  • untuk mengendalikan aktiviti-aktiviti pemasaran (contohnya, penyelidikan pasaran)
  • untuk mematuhi keperluan-keperluan perundangan dan kawalselia
  • bagi apa-apa tujuan lain yang diperlukan atau yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang, peraturan peraturan, garis panduan dan /atau badan kawalselia yang relevan
  • untuk mengesahkan hak masuk anda ke kawasan larangan di dalam lapangan terbang melalui 
  • pintu e-sekuriti dan e-pelepasan bagi tujuan pelepasan.
  • Rakaman peristiwa melalui CCTV, khususnya, mungkin akan digunakan untuk tujuan-tujuan berikut:
  • tujuan-tujuan operasi seperti aliran trafik dan kemasukan
  • untuk tujuan jaminan kualiti 
  • untuk membantu dalam usaha menghalang dan mengesan sebarang gangguan yang menyalahi undang-undang terhadap penerbangan 
  • memantau keselamatan dan sekuriti para pengguna serta pekerja lapangan terbang 
  • mengesan dan mencegah penggunaan kemudahan milik kami yang menimbulkan syak wasangka, tidak wajar dan yang tidak dibenarkan 
  • mengesan dan mencegah perilaku jenayah
  • mengendalikan penyiasatan-penyiasatan insiden 

7. Pendedahan Maklumat Peribadi Anda
Sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha untuk menyediakan anda dengan perkhidmatan dan produk kami serta pengurusan dan/atau operasinya, Malaysia Airports mungkin diperlukan atau dikehendaki untuk mendedahkan maklumat tentang diri anda kepada pihak Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad dan juga kepada pihak-pihak ketiga seperti berikut:

  • Penyewa serta pemegang lesen Malaysia Airports (contohnya syarikat penerbangan, kedai kedai runcit di terminal lapangan terbang, operator pengangkutan dan syarikat-syarikat lain yang beroperasi di kawasan milik Malaysia Airports)
  • syarikat-syarikat dan/atau organisasi-organisasi yang bertindak sebagai agen, kontraktor, pembekal perkhidmatan dan/atau penasihat profesional kami 
  • syarikat-syarikat dan/atau organisasi-organisasi yang membantu kami untuk memproses dan/atau sebaliknya menguruskan transaksi yang anda minta 
  • rakan niaga kami dan pihak lain untuk tujuan-tujuan yang berkaitan secara langsung dengan tujuan mengumpul maklumat peribadi anda 
  • pihak-pihak lain yang telah diberikan persetujuan oleh anda secara nyata atau secara tidak langsung 
  • tertakluk pada setiap masa di bawah mana-mana undang-undang (termasuk peraturan, garis-garis panduan dan/atau obligasi) yang terpakai untuk Malaysia Airports.

8. Pemasaran Langsung
Malaysia Airports mungkin menggunakan maklumat peribadi anda untuk memaklumkan kepada anda tentang perkhidmatan dan/atau produk kami dan pihak ketigayang mungkin boleh menarik minat anda atau yang mendatangkan faedah kepada anda, kecuali jika diminta oleh andasebaliknya.

Dalam keadaan tertentu, kami mungkin mendedahkan maklumat peribadi anda yang relevan kepada peniaga terpilih, dan rakan kongsi strategik kami, yang mana persetujuan anda telah diperolehi terlebih dahulu dan tertakluk pada setiap masa di bawah undang-undang pada setiap masa (termasuk peraturan, garis-garis panduan dan/atau obligasi) yang dapat digunakan untuk Malaysia Airports. 

Kami mengambil langkah-langkah yang berpatutan bagi memastikan perjanjian di antara pihak kami dan pembekal perkhidmatan akan merangkumi obligasi privasi dan kerahsiaan yang sewajarnya.

Jika anda tidak mahukan maklumat peribadi anda itu digunakan bagi tujuan pemasaran, atau sekiranya anda berubah fikiran terhadap keputusan anda yang sebelum ini, sila hubungi kami di alamat yang tercatat pada bahagian akhir Notis Privasi ini. Pihak kami akan mematuhi arahan bertulis kepada pihak kami. 

9. Apa Pula Jika Maklumat Peribadi Yang Anda Berikan Itu Tidak Lengkap?
Dalam ruang yang bertanda (contohnya dalam borang permohonan), adalah wajib bagi anda untuk memberi maklumat peribadi anda kepada kami untuk membolehkan kami memproses permohonan anda bagi perkhidmatan dan/atau produk kami. Jika anda enggan memberi maklumat peribadi yang wajib itu, maka kami tidak dapat memproses permohonan anda atau memberi perkhidmatan atau produk kami tersebut. 

10. Hak Anda Untuk Akses Dan Membetulkan Maklumat Peribadi Anda
Pihak kami akan membantu anda untuk mengakses dan membetulkan maklumat peribadi anda yang ada dalam simpanan kami itu.

Apabila anda ingin mendapatkan akses kepada maklumat peribadi anda dalam simpanan pihak Malaysia Airports, dan jika anda berpendapat bahawa maklumat peribadi yang ada dalam simpanan kami tersebut adalah tidak tepat, tidak lengkap, mengelirukan atau di mana berkaitan, tidak dikemaskini, anda bolehlah membuat permohonan kepada kami melalui Borang Permintaan Akses Data atau Borang Permintaan Pembetulan Data. Borang-borang ini boleh didapati di pejabat kami.

Kami akan mengambil langkah-langkah yang munasabah untuk memenuhi permintaan anda untuk mengakses atau membetulkan maklumat peribadi anda dalam tempoh 21 hari selepas kami menerima Borang Permintaan Akses Data/Borang Permintaan Pembetulan Data dan yuran pemprosesan(jika ada). 

Sila ambil perhatian bahawa Malaysia Airports terpaksa menghalang akses kepada maklumat peribadi anda dalam situasi-situasi tertentu, contohnya apabila pihak kami tidak dapat memastikan identiti diri anda, atau apabila maklumat yang diminta itu adalah jenis maklumat komersial yang sulit, atau jika kami menerima permintaan yang berulang kali bagi maklumat yang sama. Walau bagaimanapun, pihak kami akan memberitahu anda tentang sebab mengapa permintaan anda tidak dapat dipenuhi.

11. Urusan Dengan Malaysia Airports Dalam Talian

Malaysia Airports mendapat maklumat tentang penggunaan laman web kami oleh anda daripada cookies. Cookies adalah kotak maklumat yang tersimpan di dalam komputer anda dan yang membantu pelayaran laman web anda dengan cara membuat pindaan kepada maklumat mengikut kemahuan anda. Cookies itu sendiri tidak mengidentifikasikan pengguna sebagai individu, tidak seperti yang dilakukan oleh komputer. Anda tidak diwajibkan menerima cookies. Jika anda bimbang, anda boleh menetapkan komputer anda sama ada untuk menerima kesemua cookies, untuk memaklumkan anda apabila cookie dikeluarkan, atau tidak menerima cookies pada sebarangmasa pun. Walaubagaimanapun, jika anda enggan menerima cookies, ia boleh memberi kesan kepada penggunaan laman web anda kerana kami tidak akan dapat memperibadikan aspek-aspek penggunaan laman web anda.

Pautan Ke Seluruh Laman Web Pihak Ketiga

Sila ambil perhatian bahawa Notis Privasi ini diaplikasikan hanya untuk laman (laman-laman) web kami, dan ia tidak diaplikasikan bagi mana-mana laman web pihak ketiga yang anda boleh akses daripada laman (laman-laman) web kami. Untuk menentukan cara bagaimana laman web pihak ketiga (contohnya Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) menyelaraskan maklumat peribadi anda, anda seharusnya memastikan bahawa anda telah membaca setiap satu notis/polisi privasi mereka itu. 

12. Mengemaskini Notis Privasi Kami
Malaysia Airports mungkin akan meminda Notis Privasi ini dari masa ke masa. Sila semak laman web kami secara berterusan untuk mendapatkan maklumat tentang amalan-amalan terkini kami. 

13. Butiran Tentang Cara Menghubungi Kami
Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, masalah atau aduan berkaitan dengan Notis Privasi ini, sila hubungi kami pada waktu pejabat (antara jam 8.30 pagi hingga 5.30 petang – Isnin 
hingga Jumaat) di alamat berikut:

Jawatan: Pengurus Care

Telefon: 03-87777000
No Fax: 03-87777210
Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad
Malaysia Airports Corporate Office,
PersiaranKorporat KLIA,
64000 KLIA Selangor.

For English version

Versi Notis Privasi yang terkini boleh didapati di laman web kami di:


Reference Access Offer - Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn. Bhd.

This Reference Access Offer is issued by MALAYSIA AIRPORTS (SEPANG) SDN. BH(Company No. 320480-D), a company incorporated in Malaysia having its registered address at Malaysia Airports Corporate Office, Persiaran Korporat KLIA, 64000 KLIA, Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan and its business address at 3rd & 4th Floor, Airport Management Centre, KL International Airport, 64000 KLIA, Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Kindly download the document below for info.

Download Reference Access Offer

Privacy Notice - Malaysia Airports Sdn. Bhd.

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice sets out how Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn Bhd and Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd (collectively referred to as "Malaysia Airports") will handle personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("PDPA") and the laws of Malaysia.

1. What This Privacy Notice Explains

This Privacy Notice explains:

  • What kind of personal information we collect
  • How we collect your personal information
  • How we use your personal information
  • When we disclose your personal information
  • Access to and correction of your personal information
  • Online dealings with Malaysia Airports

2. Our Commitment To You

Malaysia Airports values the trust of our customers, airport users and the public. We are committed to protecting your personal information and ensuring that your personal information is used only for the purposes stated herein.

3. Defining Personal Information

Personal information refers to any information, which relates directly or indirectly to you. This includes any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact you. For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, personal information encompasses sensitive personal information, which relates to information relating to your health, political opinions, religious beliefs, etc.

4. What Kind Of Personal Information We Collect

In order for Malaysia Airports to operate in an efficient and effective manner and provide you with the best service possible, we may collect personal information from you which may include but is not limited to contact information about you and/or other persons that you are making a booking for or travelling with ("Travel Companion(s)"). The personal information collected may include your and/or your Travel Companion(s) name, address(es), telephone number(s), email address(es) and other relevant contact information, passport information, date of birth, demographic information such as age and gender, country of citizenship, flight details, travel information, information necessary to facilitate travel or other services such as emergency contacts, seating preferences and special dietary or medical needs, transaction information such as credit card details, information for marketing purposes such as language preference and communication preferences, information captured on security systems, including a recording of your image on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and a recording of your voice from calls to certain airport operations or security telephone lines.

Where you provide us with the personal information of your Travel Companion, you confirm that you have obtained the prior consent of your Travel Companion(s) to provide us with their personal information and to view or change their information.

5. How Do We Collect Your Personal Information?

Malaysia Airports may collect personal information from you in one or more of the following methods: -

  • use any of our services or products
  • fill in forms (for example, visitor registration forms, safety pass application forms) or coupons (either online or in hard copy)
  • make an enquiry with us (either in person with one of our staff, over the phone, via email or through our websites)
  • participate in any of our surveys
  • enter into any competitions run by us
  • respond to any marketing materials we send out
  • subscribe to one of our publications (for example, newsletters)
  • commence a business relationship with us (for example, as a service provider or as a tenant)
  • lodge a complaint with us
  • visit any of our airports or offices
  • visit our websites
  • provide feedback to us (either via our websites or in hard copy)
  • apply for permission or security clearance to enter restricted areas within Malaysia Airports

Other than personal information obtained from you directly (as laid out above), we may also obtain your personal information from third parties we deal with or connected with you, for example from airlines, travel agencies and from such other sources in respect of which you have given your consent to disclose information relating to you and/or where otherwise lawfully permitted. We also use Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) to record footage at our premises.

6. How We Use Your Personal Information

Malaysia Airports may collect personal information from you or from the category of third parties identified above which is to be utilised for one or more of the following purposes:-

  • to properly identify you
  • to assess your application(s) /request(s) for our services and/or products
  • to keep in contact with you and provide you with any information you have requested
  • to better manage any business relationship we may have with you
  • to process any communications you send us (for example, answering any queries and dealing with any complaints and feedbacks)
  • to improve our services and/or products and to develop new services and/or products
  • to provide you with information on our other service(s), product(s) and offer(s) which may be of interest to you
  • to notify you about benefits and changes to the features of our services and product(s)
  • to determine how can we improve services to our customers;
  • to produce data, reports and statistics which have been anonymised or aggregated in a manner that does not identify you as an individual
  • to manage terminal and airside operations including general security, safety, traffic flow and risk management
  • to record any incidents involving you which occurs on Malaysia Airports' property
  • to maintain records required for security, aviation, claims or other legal purposes
  • to investigate, respond to a defend claims made against, or involving Malaysia Airports and/or its subsidiaries
  • to conduct marketing activities (for example, market research)
  • to comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • for any other purposes that is required or permitted by any law, regulations, guidelines and/or relevant regulatory authorities

CCTV footage, in particular, may also be used for the following purposes:

  • operational reasons such as traffic flow and access
  • for quality assurance purposes
  • to assist in the prevention and detection of acts of unlawful interference against aviation
  • monitoring the safety and security of airport users and workers
  • detecting and deterring suspicious, inappropriate or unauthorised use of our facilities
  • detecting and deterring criminal behavior
  • conducting incident investigations

7. Disclosure of Your Personal Information

As a part of providing you with our services and products and the management and/or operation of the same, Malaysia Airports may be required or need to disclose information about you to Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad as well as the following third parties:

  • Malaysia Airports' tenants and licensees (for example, airlines, retail outlets at airport terminals, transport operators and other companies operating on Malaysia Airports' property)
  • companies and/or organisations that act as our agents, contractors , service providers and/or professional advisers
  • companies and/or organisations that assist us in processing and/or otherwise fulfilling transactions that you have requested
  • our business associates and other parties for purposes that are directly related to the purpose of collecting your personal information
  • other parties in respect of whom you have given your express or implied consent

subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to Malaysia Airports.

8. Direct Marketing

Malaysia Airports may use your personal information to provide you with information about our and third party services and/or products, which may be of interest or benefit you, except where otherwise requested by you.

In certain instances, we may disclose your relevant personal information to our preferred merchants and strategic partners where your prior consent has been obtained and subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to Malaysia Airports.

We take reasonable steps to make sure that our agreements with service providers include appropriate privacy and confidentiality obligations.

If you do not wish your personal information to be utilised for the purposes of marketing or should you change your mind in relation to your previous decision, please contact us at the address detailed at the end of this Privacy Notice. We will abide by your latest written instructions to us.

9. What If Personal Information Provided By You Is Incomplete?

Where indicated (for example in application forms), it is obligatory to provide your personal information to us to enable us to process your application for our services and/or products. Should you decline to provide such obligatory personal information, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our services or products.

10. Your Rights To Access And Correct Your Personal Information

We can assist you to access and correct your personal information held by us.

Where you wish to have access to your personal information in Malaysia Airports' possession, or where you are of the opinion that such personal information held by us is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or where relevant, not up-to-date, you may make a request to us via our Data Access Request Form or Data Correction Request Form respectively. These forms are available at our offices upon request.

We will use reasonable efforts to comply with your request to access or correct your personal information within 21 days of receiving your duly completed Data Access Request Form/Data Correction Request Form and the relevant processing fee (if any).

Please note that Malaysia Airports may have to withhold access to your personal information in certain situations, for example when we are unable to confirm your identity or where information requested for is of a confidential commercial nature or in the event we receive repeated requests for the same information. Nevertheless, we will notify you of the reasons for not being able to accede to your request.

11. Online Dealings With Malaysia Airports


Malaysia Airports collects information about your use of our website from cookies. Cookies are packets of information stored in your computer which assist your website navigation by customizing site information tailored to your needs. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. You are not obliged to accept cookies. If you are concerned, you can set your computer either to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. However, rejection of cookies may affect your use of the website as we will be unable to personalize aspects of your use of the website.

Links To Third Party Websites

Please be informed that this Privacy Notice applies solely to our website(s) and does not apply to any third party websites you may access from our website(s). To determine how these third party websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) deal with your Personal Information, you should ensure that you read their respective privacy policies/notices.

12. Updates To Our Privacy Notice

Malaysia Airports may amend this Privacy Notice from time to time. Please check our website on an ongoing basis for information on our most up-to-date practices.

13. Our Contact Details

Should you have any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to this Privacy Notice, kindly contact us during office hours (between 8.30am to 5.30pm - Monday to Friday) at the following contact points:

Designation Perception Management Manager
Telephone 03-87777000
Fax No 03-87777210
Address Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad
Malaysia Airports Corporate Office,
Persiaran Korporat KLIA,
64000 Sepang Selangor.


Or click here

Privacy Notice - Malaysia Airports (Niaga) Sdn Bhd

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice sets out how Malaysia Airports (Niaga) Sdn Bhd and its subsidiary Eraman (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (collectively, "Eraman", "we" or "us"), will handle personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("PDPA") and the laws of Malaysia.

1. What This Privacy Notice Explains

  • What kind of personal information we collect
  • How we collect your personal information
  • How we use your personal information
  • When we disclose your personal information
  • Access to and correction of your personal information
  • Online dealings with Eraman

2. Our Commitment To You

We value the trust of our customers and are committed to protecting your personal information and ensuring that your personal information is used only for the purposes stated herein.

3. Defining Personal Information

Personal information refers to any information, which relates directly or indirectly to you. This includes any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact you. For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, personal information encompasses sensitive personal information, which relates to information relating to your health, political opinions, religious beliefs, etc.

4. What Kind Of Personal Information We Collect

In order for us to operate in an efficient and effective manner and provide you with the best service and products, whether in our stores or online, we may collect personal information from you which may include but is not limited to information such as your name, gender, date of birth, phone number, address(es), shipping address(es), email address(es), and other relevant contact information, website registration information, ERAMAN privilege card application information, profession, preferences concerning types of products and/or services, frequency of use of certain types of products and/or services, transactional information such as account and/or credit card details, passport details, details of your overseas travel including destination & flight number and demographic information such as income level and marital status.

5. How Do We Collect Your Personal Information?

We may collect personal information from you when you: -

  • commence a business relationship with us (for example, as a customer or service provider)
  • apply for our ERAMAN Privilege Card
  • visit our stores
  • visit our website
  • register on our website
  • purchase any of our products online
  • purchase any of our products at our stores
  • fill in forms or coupons (either online or in hard copy)
  • purchase and/or obtain vouchers
  • redeem products
  • subscribe to one of our publications and/or promotional materials (for example, newsletters and brochures)
  • make an enquiry with us (either in person with one of our staff, over the phone, via email or through our websites)
  • lodge a complaint with us

Other than personal information obtained from you directly (as laid out above), we may also obtain your personal information from third parties we deal with or connected with you, for example with customs authorities, airlines, and from such other sources in respect of which you have given your consent to disclose information relating to you and/or where otherwise lawfully permitted. We also use Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) to record footage at our premises.

6. How We Use Your Personal Information

We may collect personal information from you or from the category of third parties identified above which is to be utilised for one or more of the following purposes:-

  • to register you
  • to properly identify you
  • to provide the services and customer support you request
  • to provide you with ERAMAN card holder privileges
  • to customize, measure and improve our services
  • to process enquiries, complaints and orders received
  • to send out orders
  • to collect fees
  • to inform you of targeted marketing, updates on products and services and promotional offers based on your communication preferences
  • to comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • to provide you with information about products that may be of interest to you
  • to send you greeting cards, such as birthday cards, mother's and father's day cards
  • to send you vouchers

CCTV footage, in particular, may also be used for the following purposes:

  • for quality assurance purposes
  • detecting and deterring suspicious, inappropriate or unauthorised use of our facilities
  • detecting and deterring criminal behavior
  • conducting incident investigations

7. Disclosure of Your Personal Information

As a part of providing you with our products and services and the management and/or operation of the same, we will be required or need to disclose information about you to the following third parties:

  • companies and/or organisations that act as our agents, contractors , service providers and/or professional advisers
  • companies and/or organisations that assist us in processing and/or otherwise fulfilling transactions that you have requested
  • our business associates and other parties for purposes that are directly related to the purpose of collecting your personal information
  • other parties in respect of whom you have given your express or implied consent

subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to us.

8. Direct Marketing

We may use your personal information to provide you with information about our and third party services and/or products, which may be of interest or benefit you, except where otherwise requested by you.

In certain instances, we may disclose your relevant personal information to our preferred merchants and strategic partners where your prior consent has been obtained and subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to us.

We take reasonable steps to make sure that our agreements with service providers include appropriate privacy and confidentiality obligations.

If you do not wish your personal information to be utilised for the purposes of marketing or should you change your mind in relation to your previous decision, please contact us at the address detailed at the end of this Privacy Notice. We will abide by your latest written instructions to us.

9. What If Personal Information Provided By You Is Incomplete?

Where indicated (for example in application/registration forms), it is obligatory to provide your personal information to us to enable us to process your application for our services and/or products. Should you decline to provide such obligatory personal information, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our services or products.

10. Your Rights To Access And Correct Your Personal Information

We can assist you to access and correct your personal information held by us.

Where you wish to have access to your personal information in our possession, or where you are of the opinion that such personal information held by us is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or where relevant, not up-to-date, you may make a request to us via our Data Access Request Form or Data Correction Request Form respectively. These forms are available at our offices upon request.

We will use reasonable efforts to comply with your request to access or correct your personal information within 21 days of receiving your duly completed Data Access Request Form/Data Correction Request Form and the relevant processing fee (if any).

Please note that we may have to withhold access to your personal information in certain situations, for example when we are unable to confirm your identity or where information requested for is of a confidential commercial nature or in the event we receive repeated requests for the same information. Nevertheless, we will notify you of the reasons for not being able to accede to your request.

11. Online Dealings With Eraman


We collect information about your use of our website from cookies. Cookies are packets of information stored in your computer which assist your website navigation by customizing site information tailored to your needs. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. You are not obliged to accept cookies. If you are concerned, you can set your computer either to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. However, rejection of cookies may affect your use of the website as we will be unable to personalize aspects of your use of the website.


Links To Third Party Websites

Please be informed that this Privacy Notice applies solely to our website and does not apply to any third party websites you may access from our website. To determine how these third party websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) deal with your Personal Information, you should ensure that you read their respective privacy policies.

12. Updates To Our Privacy Notice

We may amend this Privacy Notice from time to time. Please check our website on an ongoing basis for information on our most up-to-date practices.

13. Our Contact Details

Should you have any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to this Privacy Notice, kindly contact us during office hours (between 8.30am to 5.30pm – Monday to Friday) at the following contact points:

Designation Administration Executive
Telephone 03-87768600
Fax No 03-87873747
Address Malaysia Airports (Niaga) Sdn. Bhd.
3rd Floor, Airport Management Centre
KL International Airport
64000 KLIA, Sepang
Selangor Darul Ehsan

logo eraman



A current version of this Privacy Notice is available on our website at:

Privacy Notice - Sama-Sama KL International Airport Hotel

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Noticesets out how Sama-Sama KL International Airport Hotel (hereinafterreferred to as “Sama-Sama”, “we” or “us”),will handle personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) and the laws of Malaysia.

1. What This Privacy Notice Explains

This Privacy Notice explains:

  • What kind of personal information we collect
  • How we collect your personal information
  • How we use your personal information
  • When we disclose your personal information
  • Access to and correction of your personal information
  • Online dealings with us

Please note that this Privacy Notice does not cover personal information collected or held by us about our employees and is to be read subject to any overriding provision of law or contract.

2. Our Commitment To You

We value the trust of our guests, customers and business partners and are committed to protecting your personal information and ensuring that your personal information is used only for the purposesstated herein.

3. Defining Personal Information

Personal information refers to any information, which relates directly or indirectly to you. This includes any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact you. For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, personal information encompasses sensitive personal information, which relates to information relating to your health, political opinions, religious beliefs, etc.

4. What Kind Of Personal Information We Collect

In order for us to operate in an efficient and effective manner and provide you with the best service possible, we may collect personal information from you which may include contact information about you and/or other persons that you are making a booking for or travelling with (“Travel Companion(s)”), including but not limited to name, address(es), telephone number(s), email address(es), passport and visa information and other relevant contact information, identification details, transaction information such as credit card details, booking and travel information, any information necessary to fulfill special requests (e.g., health conditions that require specific accommodation, purchase of goods and services), information captured on card key and other security systems, including a recording of your image on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and a recording of your voice from calls made to us, information you provide us regarding your marketing preferences or in the course of participating in surveys, contests or promotional offers, contact and other relevant details of corporations and individuals with whom we do business (e.g., travel agents, meeting and event planners).

Where you provide us with the personal information of your Travel Companion, you confirm that you have obtained the prior consent of your Travel Companion(s) to provide us with their personal information and to view or change their information.

5. How Do We Collect Your Personal Information?

We may collect personal information directly from you when you:

  • make a reservation
  • fill up our registration card upon check-in/telephone/e-mail/web booking
  • sign up for our loyalty program
  • subscribe to one of our publications (for example, newsletters and brochures)
  • fill up enquiry and feedback forms
  • fill up any of our guest survey questionnaires
  • make payment for goods and/or services
  • lodge a complaint with us

Other than personal information obtained from you directly (as laid out above), we may also obtain your personal information from third parties we deal with or connected with you, for example from airlines, travel agencies and from such other sources in respect of which you have given your consent to disclose information relating to you and/or where otherwise lawfully permitted. We also use Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) to record footage at our premises.

6. How We Use Your Personal Information

We may collect personal information from you or from the category of third parties identified above which is to be utilized for one or more of the following purpose:

  • to process and confirm your hotel booking
  • to provide and charge for the hotel accommodation and other goods and services you purchase
  • for identification and verification purposes
  • for operational and administrative purposes
  • to provide customer support and services
  • fulfill contractual obligations to you, anyone involved in the process of making your travel arrangements (e.g., travel agents, group travel organizers or your employer) and vendors (e.g., credit card companies, airline operators and other loyalty programs)
  • to comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • to conduct marketing activities (for example, market research)
  • to send you information on products and services, special promotional offers, newsletters; and/or customer survey forms and questionnaires

CTV footage, in particular, may also be used for the following purposes:

  • for quality assurance purposes
  • to provide for the safety and security of staff, guests and other visitors
  • detecting and deterring suspicious, inappropriate or unauthorised use of our facilities
  • detecting and deterring criminal behavior
  • conducting incident investigations

7. Disclosure of Your Personal Information

As a part of providing you with our products and services and the management and/or operation of the same, we may be required or need to disclose information about you to the following third parties:

  • companies and/or organisations that act as our agents, contractors , service providers and/or professional advisers
  • companies and/or organisations that assist us in processing and/or otherwise fulfilling transactions that you have requested
  • our business associates and other parties for purposesthat are directly related to the purpose of collecting your personal information
  • other parties in respect of whom you have given your express or implied consent

subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to Sama-Sama.

8. Direct Marketing

We may use your personal information to provide you with information about our and third party services and/or products, which may be of interest or benefit you,except where otherwise requested by you.

In certain instances, we may disclose your relevant personal information to our preferred merchants and strategic partners where your prior consent has been obtained and subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable tous.We take reasonable steps to make sure that our agreements with service providers include appropriate privacy and confidentiality obligations.

If you do not wish your personal information to be utilised for the purposes of marketing or should you change your mind in relation to your previous decision, please contact us at the address detailed at the end of this Privacy Notice. We will abide by your latest written instructions to us.

9. What If Personal Information Provided By You Is Incomplete?

Where indicated (for example in registration forms), it is obligatory to provide your personal information to us to enable us to process your application for our services and/or products. Should you decline to provide such obligatory personal information, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our services or products.

10. Your Rights To Access And Correct Your Personal Information

We can assist you to access and correct your personal information held by us.

Where you wish to have access to your personal information in our possession, or where you are of the opinion that such personal information held by us is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or where relevant, not up-to-date, you may make a request to us via our Data Access Request Form or Data Correction Request Form respectively. These forms are available at our office upon request.

We will use reasonable efforts to comply with your request to access or correct your personal information within 21 days of receiving your duly completed Data Access Request Form/Data Correction Request Form and the relevant processing fee (if any).

Please note that we may have to withhold access to your personal information in certain situations, for example when we are unable to confirm your identity or where information requested for is of a confidential commercial nature or in the event we receive repeated requests for the same information. Nevertheless, we will notify you of the reasons for not being able to accede to your request.

11. Information We Collect When You Visit Us Online

If you choose to obtain information or do business with us online by visiting you may wish to know the following:

12. Sama-Sama Website

When you visit our Website, we collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behavior patterns to ascertain the number of visitors to the various parts of the Website. Such information is not linked to you as an individual.We use such information to evaluate and improve the features, guest experience and functionality of our Website.

13. Cookies

We collect information about your use of our website from cookies. Cookies are packets of information stored in your computer which assist your website navigation by customizing site information tailored to your needs. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. You are not obliged to accept cookies. If you are concerned, you can set your computer either to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. However, rejection of cookies may affect your use of the website as we will be unable to personalize aspects of your use of the website.

Further information about cookies and how they work is available at To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across the Website please visit

14. Links To Third Party Websites

Please be informed that this Privacy Noticeapplies solely to our Website and does not apply to any third party websites you may access from our Website. To determine how these third party websites(e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) deal with your Personal Information, you should ensure that you read their respective privacy policies.

15. Updates To Our Privacy Notice

We may amend this Privacy Notice from time to time. Please check our website on an ongoing basis for information on our most up-to-date practices.

16. Our Contact Details

Should you have any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to this Privacy Notice, kindly contact us during office hours (between 9.00am to 6.00pm – Monday to Friday) at the following contact points:

Designation General Manager
Telephone 03-87780094
Fax No 03-87875555
Address Sama-Sama Hotel,
KL International Airport,
Jalan CTA 4 B,
64000, Sepang, Selangor
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

sama-sama hotel


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