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Malaysia Reopening A Turning Point For Earnings Recovery And Improved Outlook

SEPANG – The Malaysia Airports Group (the Group) saw significant improvement in the Group’s Earnings Before Interest Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) and revenue for the half year ended 30 June 2022 (1H22) in line with the significant increase in passenger movements in both its Malaysia and Turkey operations. The Group’s (EBITDA) for 1H22 was RM471.7 million on the back of 90.9% higher revenues of RM1.26 billion compared to the same period last year (1H21).

Airports Nationwide Ready For Safe And Seamless Border Reopening

SEPANG – After two years of border closure since March 2020,airports nationwide are ready to ensure a safe and seamless experience for all airport users once borders reopen tomorrow. Government authorities have been working closely with airport stakeholders to make sure that health protocols and proceduresat the airport are simplified for the passengers’ convenience. 

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